Regional Anesthesia
Our goal at SAMBA is to provide our members with concise, up-to-date, and evidence-based information that can be of help with regional anesthesia education and clinical decision-making.

The management of postoperative pain in the ambulatory surgical setting can be challenging. The use of regional anesthetic techniques, along with multimodal systemic analgesics and pain risk stratification, can be of significant benefit in postoperative analgesia.
Please keep in mind that responsibility for all regional anesthetic techniques and clinical decisions ultimately rests with the clinician.
Regarding regional anesthetic techniques, many members have found in-person training to be most beneficial. If you would like to practice hands-on scanning for “must-know” blocks, we encourage you to attend the ultrasound workshops at our annual SAMBA meeting.
Read more with our Regional Anesthesia education resources.
New to ultrasound? Check out these resources to help you get acquainted with the basics!
Ultrasound Basics
Ultrasound Quick Reference for Peripheral Nerve Blocks
Basic Blocks Image Bank (2018)
What do you do when a patient calls back complaining of a leaking nerve catheter? When do they need to come back for the surgical center for an in-person evaluation?
Fear not, the following tip sheet may be of use:
Troubleshooting Nerve Catheters and Blocks
For neuraxial techniques, deep plexus blocks, and peripheral nerve blocks at non-compressible sites, it is useful and necessary to be familiar with the most recent recommendations regarding anticoagulation. While SAMBA does not make recommendations regarding the performance of these regional anesthesia techniques in the presence of anticoagulant medications, the society encourages members to refer to the American Society of Regional Anesthesia (ASRA) and European Society of Regional Anesthesia (ESRA) for the most recent recommendations and guidelines.