Webinars & Online Courses

Upcoming Complimentary Educational Webinars

Each month SAMBA offers complimentary educational webinar sessions for attendees to hear from experts in the ambulatory anesthesiology field. SAMBA members have access to SAMBA Webinar recordings. Non-Members can view a portion of the Webinar recordings. Click here to view the recordings.

SAMBA – March Webinar
Patient Reported Outcomes in Ambulatory Surgery

Thursday, March 9 – 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm CST
Presented by Kara M. Barnett, MD, FASA & Sonia Pyne, MD

Webinar Description:

The volume of ambulatory and outpatient surgery has grown significantly over the past 20 years, with advancements in both surgical and anesthetic techniques. The shift from inpatient surgical care to outpatient surgical care puts pressure on the boundaries of suitability for ambulatory surgery. We should continuously evaluate quality of care in response to this shift. Inpatient perioperative outcomes such as morbidity and mortality are less relevant, as the risk profile for these outcomes has been well established to be low in ambulatory surgery. This webinar will discuss patient-reported outcomes data in ambulatory surgery and how they can be used to manage growth, and track quality of care and adverse events relevant to ambulatory surgery practices

Learning Objectives:

  • Define patient reported outcomes and discuss their application in surgical decision-making
  • Discuss available tools for patient reported outcomes data and how these may influence decisions related to ambulatory surgical care.
  • Identify literature that shows preoperative patient reported outcome scores are predictive for outcomes.

Past Webinars

To view recordings of past SAMBA webinars, please click here.
