Fellows, Residents and Medical Students

SAMBA Resident Section

Dear colleagues,

The Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia (SAMBA) dedicates itself to clinicians involved in the perioperative care of ambulatory surgery patients. Our organization is committed to high professional standards and excellence in patient care by promoting education and research in ambulatory anesthesia administered in locations such as hospital outpatient centers, ambulatory surgery centers or outpatient offices.

SAMBA encourages resident membership, leadership and participation. As healthcare is evolving and favoring “fast-track” techniques to expedite patient recovery and decrease hospitalization costs, it is imperative that we, as residents, understand how this trend affects our careers as anesthesiologists. Not only can SAMBA keep us informed of current issues in ambulatory anesthesia, but it also can provide the following:

  • Excellent networking opportunities. SAMBA facilitates networking by its mentorship program. One of the goals of the mentorship program is to help facilitate resident transition into fellowship and/or workforce.
  • Engaging problem oriented discussions and workshops tailored to residents’ interests.
  • Supportive forum for poster and abstract presentation. SAMBA grants a limited number of travel awards for residents whose abstracts are accepted for poster presentation at the SAMBA Annual Meeting.  Residents who receive travel grants are also eligible for the White Mountain Institute Award.
  • Web-based lecture series, resident organized, with lectures on topics in ambulatory anesthesia by the field’s leading experts.
  • Leadership opportunities in the SAMBA Resident Committee as Chair, Chair-Elect, and Members-at-Large.
  • Source of information for fellowships in Ambulatory Anesthesia and Regional Anesthesia.

We encourage you to become involved in SAMBA!

Please contact us to get involved or for more information about SAMBA.  We look forward to seeing you at the next SAMBA meeting!

Follow these links for information about our resident section organizationthe resident travel award, the resident mentorship program, and our SAMBA webinars.


Blake Perkins, MD and Vijal Patel, MD
Resident Section Co-Chairs

Resident Section Organization

Resident Travel Award

Resident Mentorship Program

Fellowship Information
