Mentorship Program Initiatives

Dear SAMBA Resident Mentorship Program participant:

Welcome to the Resident Mentorship Program web page!  This program provides a unique opportunity for active SAMBA members to help SAMBA resident members develop and attain their career goals.

The program has been streamlined to provide maximal benefit for resident members with minimal time commitment from both our mentors and our resident participants.

The crux of the program is the SAMBA “Roadmap for Success” worksheet.  Completed by the resident and submitted to his or her mentor with a current CV, the SAMBA “Roadmap for Success” worksheet provides the framework for the mentorship.

In addition to CV review and editing, the mentor will assist in developing the resident’s career plans and help the resident develop an action plan for success based on the resident’s goals.

From this page you can download the mentorship program documents (click on the following links):

If you are a SAMBA resident member (or IARS member) interested in joining the mentorship program please email me to enroll in the program.  We already have 30 residents paired with mentors and are actively expanding.


Michael Esposito, M.D.

SAMBA Resident Section Chair
S. Maryland Ave. MC402
5841 Chicago, IL 60637
773-753-1880 ext. 1295
